Cerita kancil dalam bahasa inggris singkat

Mouse-deer and crocodile

One day, the clever mouse deer was walking in the woods. Feeling thirsty, mouse deer looked for a river so he could drink. When he was drinking, he saw that across the river there were many cucumber trees, which he loved. But unfortunately, the river flow was too heavy. Mouse Deer knew that it was impossible to walk or swim across the river.

Mouse Deer thought hard. He looked for a way to cross the swift river. Suddenly a group of crocodiles swam past him. Mouse Deer also got a brilliant idea. “O crocodile, crocodile!” shouted Mouse Deer loudly. “I have food for you!” continued Mouse Deer. The crocodiles stopped and one of them approached the riverbank to the hare. “Hmm, you’re right, you’re our food!” he said. “Wait a minute,” said Mouse Deer. “Here I have a lot of food, even still too much for all of you,” he continued. “Try calling your other friends, and I’ll show you the food,” said Mouse Deer.

The crocodile then called his other friends, and all of them gathered in the river. Because of the large number of crocodiles gathered, the wide river and swift water was almost full. “Okay, now I have to count the number of you first so everyone gets their share!” said Mouse Deer. He then jumped from the back of one crocodile to the back of another crocodile, while counting. “One, two, three, four, five, six,” and so on, until he arrived across the river.

While running away, Mouse Deer shouted, “Thank you crocodiles, you have helped me to cross the river!” Some crocodiles get angry because they have been lied to, and try to chase them. But they failed because the mouse deer was very agile and fast.

The Moral Message: “Be diligent in learning to be smart and not easy to be fooled”



The translation of the text:

Kancil dan Buaya

Pada suatu hari, si kancil yang cerdik sedang berjalan-jalan di hutan. Karena merasa haus, Kancil pun mencari sungai agar ia bisa minum. Ketika sedang minum, Kancil melihat kalau di seberang sungai ada banyak pohon ketimun, buah yang sangat digemarinya. Tapi sayangnya, arus sungai terlalu deras. Kancil tahu bahwa ia tidak mungkin berjalan atau berenang menyeberangi sungai itu.

Kancil pun berpikir keras. Ia mencari cara untuk menyeberangi sungai yang arusnya deras itu. Tiba-tiba ada sekelompok buaya yang berenang melewatinya. Kancil pun mendapatkan ide yang cemerlang. “Hai buaya buaya!” teriak Kancil dengan lantang. “Aku punya makanan untuk kalian!” lanjut Kancil. Para buaya itu pun berhenti dan salah satunya ke pinggir sungai mendekati Kancil. “Hmm, kamu benar, kamu lah makanan kami!” katanya. “Eit tunggu dulu,” kata Kancil. “Ini aku punya makanan yang sangat banyak, bahkan masih terlalu banyak untuk kalian semua,” lanjutnya. “Coba panggil teman-teman kalian yang lainnya, dan akan aku tunjukkan makanan itu,” kata Kancil.

Buaya tadi lalu memanggil teman-temannya yang lain, dan semuanya berkumpul di sungai itu. Karena banyaknya jumlah buaya yang berkumpul, sungai yang lebar dan airnya deras itu sampai hampir penuh. “Oke, sekarang aku harus menghitung jumlah kalian dulu supaya semuanya kebagian!” kata Kancil. Ia pun lalu melompat dari punggung satu buaya ke punggung buaya yang lainnya, sambil menghitung. “Satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima, enam,” dan seterusnya, sampai ia tiba di seberang sungai.

Sambil berlari pergi, Kancil pun berteriak, “terima kasih buaya-buaya, kalian sudah membantu aku menyeberang sungai!” Beberapa buaya marah karena sudah dibohongi, dan mencoba mengejarnya. Tapi mereka gagal karena kancil sangat lincah dan cepat.

Pesan Moral : “Rajin-rajinlah belajar supaya pintar dan tidak gampang untuk dibodohi”