Cerita bawang merah bawang putih bahasa inggris

Once upon a time there lived a rich widow who had two children: Bawang Putih (garilic) and Bawang Merah (onion).

Bawang Putih was her step daughter. Bawang Putih was a good child, while Bawang Merah was lazy.

One day Bawang Putih washed her stepmother’s cloth, but the cloth was washed away in the river. Bawang Putih continued down the river until she finally met an old woman who found the cloth. The old woman would return the cloth on the condition that Bawang Putih had to help her work.

Bawang Putih helped her work. The old woman gave two gifts to choose: a small pumpkin or a large pumpkin. Then Bawang Putih took the small one.

Coming home with a small pumpkin, her stepmother grabbed the pumpkin and slammed it angrily. It turned out that the pumpkin contained gold, gems and diamonds.

The stepmother then told Bawang Merah to do as Bawang Putih did, to wash the cloth in the river. Until finally met the old woman. But Bawang Merah didn’t want to help her and asked for a big pumpkin. At home she split the large pumpkin which turned out to be a poisonous snake and  scorpions. Soon they realized their bad deeds.


Cerita di atas merupakan salah satu folktale (cerita rakyat).

Setiap negara mempunyai folktale masing-masing yang unik. Pada umumnya tema folktale itu sama: bahwa kebaikan akan mengalahkan kejahatan.

Folktale termasuk bagian dari narrative text yang isinya menceritakan kejadian, baik fiksi atau non fiksi, dalam bentuk urutan seperti ini:

  • Orientation, pendahuluan yang mengenalkan siapa yang terlibat dalam cerita. Dalam cerita bawang putih di atas adalah paragraf pertama.
  • Complication, mulai munculnya masalah. Dalam teks di atas mulai paragraf kedua.
  • Resolution, pemecahan masalahnya.
  • Re-orientation, bagian penutup, biasanya berupa kesimpulan, bisa ditambahkan atau tidak.